This week marks the launch of our 2nd e-book in the Adult Guide: Health Screening and Prevention line: Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention! This book is much smaller than the original book, and focuses exclusively on breast cancer. It’s focused on boiling down as much information as possible into a set of need-to-know guidelines that can serve as your go-to source of information on fighting this deadly disease through preventive medicine.
When we released the original Health Screening and Prevention guide, we knew that most people would be far more interested in shorter, more focused book rather than the huge wealth of information present in the original. If you’ve already grabbed a copy of the original book, you’ve already got access to this information, along with a huge wealth of preventive tools for dealing with dozens of other common but potentially deadly ailments.
This book is for those who are looking for a simple, straightforward handbook that should explain the basics of breast cancer, mammography, positive and negative tests, and how to identify if you are high-risk for breast cancer. It also provides clear timelines so you know exactly when to talk to your doctor about testing and what the results might look like.
We’ll be releasing these “mini-e-books” for each of the major diseases covered in the big guide, and we’ll continue to update you here each time a new release goes live. Until then, we hope you find this guidebook to be useful in your own fight against breast cancer!